At the gym tonight, I saw a truly horrible image that has since been seared into my mind. A larger lady in an all pink sweat-suit was pumping away on one of those cardio machines where the legs and arms swing, when what I suspect was her husband came up from behind and started scratching her back! Not just her regular back .... but her sweat-stained back ... eeeeek! This sight was even worse then the sight of a naked old man that destroyed my eyes when I walked into the locker room.
ps ... sweaty back scratches are awesome'D!!
Well ... Fringe comes back on tonight, and I am very excited. I also want to send a happy birthday out to my friend, Jeremy.
Later ...
dirty back fat sweat.
ReplyDeletejust plain wrong.
This one really made me ror.
ReplyDeleteDear Kubly,
ReplyDeleteYour story reminded me of when I used to work in the same building as Fox News. I used the building's gym where I routinely saw (usually Republican) "celebrities" like Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan and Greta Van Susteran. But the TV personality I saw the most was Mort Kondracke, co-host of Fox News' "The Beltway Boys." I would watch Mort when I was a kid, when he'd appear on The McLaughlin Group on public television after church on Sunday afternoons. So imagine my shock, when one day I walked into the locker room and saw Mort from head to toe, completely and utterly naked. He is WAY older than he looks on TV. The makeup people really know their stuff. It was all I could do not to collapse on the spot. It was like finding out your dad is really Skeletor.
The End
A. Barnz